August 5, 2016

Welcome to week three! Three weeks of blogging in the books and it feels great to be writing so much these days! I hope you’re ready to jump in!

When I was in high school I used to give the end of the day announcements over the entire school sound system to my fellow peers reminding them about upcoming events and the endless tasks kids that age need constant reminders about.   One day, as I was finishing up with the school announcements, the school secretary looked at me and stated “Keena, I could just see you in school for a long time pursuing a great path. Yeah, I see that for you”. To this day, I have no idea what prompted her to say that. Who knew that she could somehow see my future and know that after high school I would be spending the next seven years of my life pursuing multiple degrees and landing with a professional counseling license?! I didn’t see that. And I definitely didn’t see it all happening before turning 26 years old. And while some of you might think I’ve got some things figured out, the truth is…I don’t.

Yes, after seven years of school (and mountains of student loans) and one year of a professional job under my belt, I can honestly say…I’m still soul searching.   Don’t get me wrong, the work I’m doing is great and often times exciting, but I think a lot about the vast opportunities this world has to offer. I am blessed to have my education and work experience, but it does not mean that this is what it will always look like for me. And sometimes (actually most times), I worry about that. I’ve had the following thoughts:

“If I change my path will everything I’ve done so far be for nothing?”
“What if I can’t do anything else?”
“Am I doing everything wrong?”
I am passionate about the mental health field and the work to reduce stigma around mental illness. I enjoy supporting programs and building policy to help others. My soul is really moved when I get to be WITH people walking along-side them in their journey in that counseling office. I love this work, but I have MANY other interests too such as health and fitness (those of you who follow me on Facebook probably have gathered as much  J ).
 I realize that there’s not a “perfect” job, but I do believe there’s something out there that I haven’t discovered yet that interweaves many of my interests. However, sometimes I feel like I have boxed myself in and have closed myself off to doing anything different. Because different is scary.

So my question is…how do people figure it out? The answer? The only thing that comes to mind is: keep doing exactly what I’m doing. Keep living and learning. I may not have my vision quite yet and I don’t know what this life will bring me, but I show up every day in my work…and in my life. I truly believe that the only wrong thing to do is to do nothing. I believe things happen when you choose to show up.

Another thing, and I beg you; do not let anyone tell you there’s no such thing as enjoying your job. The people who say that are not happy and they likely did not hustle to achieve their dream. Don’t settle. Life is way too short not to love what you do.  The people who question this cannot think outside of the box. There has to be more opportunity outside of that box right?
I’ll leave you with this:

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” –Steve Jobs
I couldn’t have said it better myself.

With love,