April 18, 2017

Finding Joy on the Hard Days

Today is a hard day. It’s the kind of day that makes me want to curl up in my bed, sleep and forget all of my troubles. Ya know what I’m talking about? I’m sure most of you can think back to a day where this has happened and you struggled to see anything good about the day that lay ahead. The good news is that you and I are not alone! I’m learning to cope with these days, and I want to share with you how I’ve been handling this not so favorite day of mine.

A couple of weeks ago I shared that I was going through a miscarriage at 6 weeks pregnant. It’s still pretty raw for me with the little time that has passed, but I can feel my heart being healed. Since then, I’ve started a new job which has helped keep me busy and less focused on my broken heart. But make no mistake, the hurt is not gone. I feel it at night when I’m laying my head down on my pillow and saying my prayers. I feel it in the quiet or when a heartfelt song plays on the radio. I feel it when I see all the pregnant mamas out and about. I felt it when a woman who knew nothing about what I was going through stated out of frustration “you should never have kids”. She was dealing with a difficult situation with her own child, but it hurt to hear that. I really felt the sadness when I went to my OB appointment today to discuss everything with my doctor. When I checked in the receptionist asked “are you doing your sonogram first today?”. An innocent mistake made…but it stabbed my heart. The tears just started right then and there. I’m so grateful my sweet husband was standing by my side and just took me into his arms.

We had a helpful appointment with the doctor. She answered many of our questions and was able to put our minds at ease. She said things that I really needed to hear. When we left, I was still crying because I so badly wanted to be walking out with a picture of our baby. Instead, I was leaving with a handful of Kleenex.  I feel like my doctor is a great cheerleader for us and her confidence and tenderness only helped us in this difficult time. I love it when you come across a healthcare provider like this…I know I strive to be that way with the people I serve.

Although today has been hard on my heart, I know that there is still goodness and joy in today. While my joy did not come in the form that I had hoped, it came in other forms. Today is not even over, but I already have a lot of goodness that I want to share with you! I’m surrounded by joy and love and I want to take time to appreciate all that I’ve been blessed with. I hope you enjoy the pictures of what I'm grateful for today!

I told Augie to sniff on our lovely morning walk...

She decided to eat it instead lol
Her silliness brings me joy!

Out to lunch with my hubby after the doctor appointment.
Puffy eyes for me but such joy to share a meal with him!

I love spending time on the patio in
beautiful weather! I feel joy and complete comfort
when I'm in sunshine!

I get so much joy out of spending time in my garden
learning how to make things grow!

Fresh cut flowers for my new grace and
gratitude vase!

Flowers bring me so much joy!

 Yes today is hard. My heart is hurting and there have been tears, but I have been comforted by the goodness because I opened my eyes and looked around. There's always joy in the hard days, you just have to open your heart.

With love,

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